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Financial Statements

Annual Accounts and Statutory Statements

Executive Pay over £100, 000:

Trusts must publish on their website the number of employees whose benefits exceeded £100,000, in £10,000 bandings, for the previous year ending on 31 August. No employee of the Villages' Multi-Academy Trust received over £100, 000 in the year ended 31 August 2023.

Off pay-roll payments over £100,000:

Where a trust has entered into an off-payroll arrangement with someone who is not an employee, the amount paid by the trust for that person’s work for the trust must also be published where payment exceeds £100,000, as if they were an employee. There were no off-payroll payments over £100, 000 made by the Villages' Multi-Academy Trust in the year ended 31 August 2023.

Gender Pay Gap:

Trusts with 250 or more employees must publish information on their websites about the gender pay gap in their organisation. The Villages' Multi-Academy Trust employs fewer than 250 employees.